Corporate Documents

Destination Ontario captures the delivery of our programs and marketing activities through a number of corporate reports. We are pleased to share these reports publicly in accordance with the Government of Ontario’s commitment to openness and transparency.

Strategic Playbook

The Strategic Playbook 2024-2027 is Destination Ontario’s plan to drive our organization and support Ontario’s tourism industry growth.
Crafted with insights from stakeholders, market intelligence, consumer research, and invaluable staff input, the Playbook underscores tourism as a key economic driver for the province and commits to continued marketing excellence, while celebrating the vital role of industry collaboration and partnerships.

Strategic Playbook  

Annual Reports

Destination Ontario publishes Annual Reports in accordance with the Government of Ontario’s Agencies and Appointments Directive. The Report highlights Destination Ontario’s activities and performance results for each respective fiscal year.

Annual Report  

Financial Statements

The financial statements are prepared by management in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards and audited by a firm of independent external auditors.

Financial Statements  

Business Plan and Letter of Direction

Destination Ontario’s Business Plans are developed each year based on current insights and market research. The goal is to collaborate with stakeholders to grow tourism visitation and spending. The Business Plan is also guided by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming's Letter of Direction to Destination Ontario.

 Destination Ontario Letter of Direction 

 Business Plan 

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between Destination Ontario and the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming. The MOU sets out the framework for accountability and the working relationships between the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Chair, the Board of Directors, and the Chief Executive Officer. It ensures appropriate and adequate administrative, accountability, financial and reporting provisions are in place.

Memorandum of Understanding 

Amendment No.1 

Corporate By-Laws

Destination Ontario works within the Board approved framework of its Corporate By-Laws.

OTMPC By-Law 5 

OTMPC By-Law 6 

Expense Reports

The Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive requires that all designated persons in every classified Government of Ontario agency post expense information publicly.

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Last updated: July 15, 2024

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